Troop Time

May 23rd, 2024
12:00 PM CET (1200A)

Aeroporto di Sigonella Naval Air Station
Sigonella, Siracusa SR, 96016

USO Sigonella is inviting the active-duty community to join in at the USO Center for an hour of gaming during their lunch break. Service members are welcome to participate in this friendly competition during lunch and enjoy the Center amenities as well as a snack provided by the USO. We hope to see you there!

Other Upcoming Events

  1. Rejuvenate with Java-Flight Line Clinic 

    USO Sigonella is heading out to flight line clinic to spread cheer amongst service members. We’ll have hot coffee beverages, tasty snacks, fresh juice and more! Let USO Sigonella infuse you with caffeine and wide smiles, as we spread happiness on ba…

    May 22nd, 2024 9:00 AM CET ( 900A)

  2. Taste of Home 

    USO Sigonella is inviting all unaccompanied service members living in the barracks to enjoy a Taste of Home! There will be games, good food, and a chance to win prizes! Hosted in conjunction with MWR.

    May 22nd, 2024 5:00 PM CET (1700A)

  3. USO Vicenza Dungeons & Dragons w/miniature painting 

    Caserma Ederle Building 9A Vicenza, 36100 Italy

    Calling all Adventurers! Join us for a Legendary Dungeons and Dragons Campaign! Are you ready to embark on an epic quest, battle fierce monsters, and explore mystical realms? Gather your party and set your imagination free because the ultimate Dunge…

    May 24th, 2024 6:00 PM CET (1800A)

  4. USO Vicenza Dungeons & Dragons 

    Caserma Ederle Building 9A Vicenza, 36100 Italy

    Calling all Adventurers! Join us for a Legendary Dungeons and Dragons Open Play Day! Saturdays at USO Vicenza, Bldg 9A. Are you ready to embark on an epic quest, battle fierce monsters, and explore mystical realms? Gather your party and set your im…

    May 25th, 2024 12:00 PM CET (1200A)

  5. Canine Comfort Crew 

    Aeroporto di Sigonella Naval Air Station Sigonella, Siracusa SR, 96016 Italy

    The Canine Comfort Crew is a team of therapy dogs that visit the center every Friday and are available for physical touch therapy. This is used to strengthen U.S. service members and their families by incorporating canine companionship into single a…

    May 31st, 2024 10:00 AM CET (1000A)

  6. USO Vicenza Dungeons & Dragons w/miniature painting 

    Caserma Ederle Building 9A Vicenza, 36100 Italy

    Calling all Adventurers! Join us for a Legendary Dungeons and Dragons Campaign! Are you ready to embark on an epic quest, battle fierce monsters, and explore mystical realms? Gather your party and set your imagination free because the ultimate Dunge…

    May 31st, 2024 6:00 PM CET (1800A)

Programs at this Location